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HEIDENHAIN - CNC and measuring systems

ESD Bulgaria is a representatives and service of  DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GMBH for Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania.

HEIDENHAIN is a world leader in the development and production of Digital Program Controls (CNC) and measuring systems company. The company is a preferred supplier for many machine manufacturers for various industries. HEIDENHAIN’s current products and services are described in detail and available on corporate websites. 

For more information, please visit www.heidenhain.de or www.heidenhain.bg

ELGO ELECTRONIC - Measuring systems and position controllers

As a representative and service partner we offer measuring systems, sensors, position controllers and accessories for them by ELGO ELECTRONICS.

For more information about products and applications, please visit www.elgo.de

DATALOGIC - Industrial bar code scanners, marking systems and sensors.

Industrial bar code scanners, marking systems and sensors.

For more information, visit please www.datalogic.com.

In knurling technology two different application techniques can be distinguished: Cut Knurling and Form Knurling. Both techniques have their own characteristics, range of applications, advantages and limitations. Whereas one advantage of form knurling is easy to handling, cut knurling is always the preferred method whenever the surface quality requires uncompromising precision. A fundametal distinction lies in the relation between tool direction and possible knurling profiles.

From knurling is non-cutting process during which a surface compression of the work piece takes place. As from knurling is cold formation process, the technique is only suitable for cold deformable materials. As a result of the forming process, the outher diameter is increased. A main advantage of the technique lies in the application diversity. With form knurling all knurling profiles can be produced and it is also suitable for front, internal and conical knurling. It is further possible to knurl up to a shoulder.

Cut knurling is the milling alternative to form knurling. During feed, material is removed. This technique is especially suitable for thin-walled work pieces, soft materials (e.g. plastics) or difficult to mashine materials. Cut knurling excels in high precision and excellent surface quality, a reason why it is recommended for producing high-quality visual profiles. Contrary to form knurling, the surface compression and the material displacement are negligible. The strain on the machine is also relatively small. One major restriction of the cut knurling technique is the smaller range of application. Cut knurling is only suitable for producing the knurling profiles RAA and RGE. Furthermore, due to the minimal surface compression, the toughness of the knurling profile is reduced.

The full range of tools and technologies you can find on Hommel+Keller.

For the marking of turned-parts, two techniques can be distinguished.

Continuous roll marking
With the continuous roll marking system, the parts are marked by several revolutions of the marking roll. The marking roll (Marking roll No. 40) is bound to a specific workpiece diameter.

Spring return marking
Alternatively, the spring return marking system can be applied. With this technique, the marking is achieved by a partial revolution of the marking roll. After unwinding of the text, the tool is retracted by an integrated spring and returns to the start position. With this system, different workpiece diameters can be marked (Marking roll No. 41 / 42).

The full range of tools and technologies you can find on Hommel+Keller.

Contract manufacturing engraving

Our product range for engraving is subdivided into hand stamps, circular forming stamps, marking rolls and machine stamps for the marking of turned parts, work pieces and signs and for stamping of various materials. Moreover it can manufacture all sorts of customized surface profiles and materials for industrial or decorative marking.

CNC – controlled engraving with CAD/CAM connection.

The full range of tools and technologies you can find on Hommel+Keller.